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Environment Variables

DeepLX supports passing the following parameters for more advanced deployments. If you don't understand these, you can ignore them.

Command Line Arguments

port or pThe port the server will listen on1188
tokenAccess token to protect your APInull
authkeyThe API Auth Key provided by DeepL official.null
sDeepL Pro Account dl_session cookie.null
proxyThe http proxy server address.null

Docker Environment Variables

PORTThe port the server will listen on1188
TOKENAccess token to protect your APInull
AUTHKEYThe API Auth Key provided by DeepL official.null
DL_SESSIONDeepL Pro Account dl_session cookie.null
PROXYThe http proxy server address.null

If you want to use an HTTP proxy, the link should be in the following format: (DeepLX >= v0.9.5)

http://username:[email protected]:6152

You don't have to provide any of the above parameters. By default, it listens on port 1188 and there is no token protection, so anyone can access it. In addition, because you did not provide an authkey, when the Free API encounters a 429 error, it will not continue to use the official API for translation. If you don't provide dl_session, you won't be able to use the Pro endpoint.

Released under the MIT License.